Outline of Project Management Services
Communitas provides Project Management services during the following developmental stages:
- Initial Development
- Project feasibility and business plan development
- Project development
- Construction and post construction
The actual scope of services provided to a client is developed in conjunction with the client to meet the specific needs of the project.
Initial Development
At the end of the initial development phase, it is expected that a site(s) will have been identified and an agreement to purchase the lands will have been entered into with the owner for the purposes of conducting project feasibility. In addition, it is anticipated that the client will be appropriately incorporated. Initial Development may include the provisions of the following services:
- assist with the development of a start-up budget for the initial development and feasibility stage
- identify and review with the Client the land use and locational constraints for the Project
- assist with the identification of possible sites for the Project
- coordinate the acquisition of a site for the Project
- identify and review with the Client various financing options for the development of the Project including options for financing energy efficient features
- review the design program and provide consultation regarding energy efficient and environmentally friendly design options
- review of corporate options, opportunities and limitations
- assist with the development of legal documentation regarding shareholder investment and prepayment
- prepare an initial capital cost budget and time frame
- identify, review with the client, and advise on key alternatives or methods of approach in all areas of the development process, i.e. legal and contractual relationships, financial, budgeting, risk assessment and avoidance, etc.
- assist the client with the selection of the design/construction approach and coordinate the hiring or consultants as required
Project Feasibility and Business Plan Development
At the end of the project feasibility phase, it is expected that land acquisition will be complete. In the event that the project feasibility is affected by unforeseeable issues uncovered in the process of the project feasibility stage, there may be additional costs related to analysis of another site. Project Feasibility may include the provision of the following services:
- coordination of the Client's consultants undertaking the soils tests, environmental audits, legal and topographical surveys
- coordination of any required land appraisals
- assistance with the hiring of other Project consultants as required and the coordination of the other Project consultants
- coordination of the financing for the site acquisition
- review construction options with the Client
- refine the initial capital and operating cost budgets
- assist with the acquisition of a development permit for the Project, excluding any rezoning
- identify possible housing assistance grants including assistance funding for support services and home care as my be required for the development
- assist with the preparation of an initial marketing strategy
- assist with the review of the initial Project designs and outline specifications
- prepare a feasibility analysis including marketability, and the legal, physical and economic feasibility of the Project, a Business Plan as well as a critical path for the development stage
- prepare funding applications as required for land acquisition
- coordination of the site acquisition and land transfer
- coordination of the development of the documentation required to establish the corporate structure
- assist with internal organization, corporate management and group capacity building
Project Development
Project Development may include the provision of the following services:
- coordination of the other Project consultants
- assistance with the selection of the Project construction methodology and assistance with the selection of the Project contractor
- finalizing the capital and operating budgets including the preparation of a replacement reserve analysis for the Project based on the Schematic Design and Outline Specification to be prepared by the Architect
- preparation of any applications and supporting material required to secure equity, construction financing, mortgage insurance, grant funding and National Home Warranty, and, if required, long term mortgage financing
- coordination of the acquisition of any necessary legal documentation or other technical information relating to mortgage or other approvals
- assistance with the development and implementation of the final marketing strategy for the Project
- coordination of the Project appraisal
- assistance with internal organization and corporate management
- coordination of the development or modification of the legal documentation required to operationalize the project goals and objectives
Construction will include the provision of the following services:
- cordination of the administration of the capital budget of the Project during the construction stage
- review working drawings and specifications as well as tender documents and review the same with Client
- ensure that all appropriate contracts are executed, and that warranties, insurance and bonding are in place as required by the lender
- coordination of the other Project consultants, the contractor, the mortgage lender, the quantity surveyor and other financial partners
- facilitate the contractor in acquiring building and occupancy permits
- review any change orders and review the same with Client, administer the execution of the same as required
- oversee the Project schedule, as prepared by the contractor in consultation with the other consultants
- administration of progress claims and advances, GST during construction and financial construction records
- assist the Client in setting up appropriate records and systems for the ongoing management of the Project
- prepare the individual shareholder*s statement of adjustments on closing and prepare documentation as required by the Client*s solicitor
Post Construction Services
Post Construction may include the provision of the following services:
- coordinate the preparation of the final cost account
- coordinate the enforcement of the construction warranty
- assist the Client to review its management and operating systems eight months after initial occupancy